Many people come to church seeking a sense of belonging in a loving and affirming community. Below is a list of programs that are part of our “Fellowship Cluster,” which are geared to help you do just that – spark connections with others that can become your community.
Fellowship Meals
Fellowship Meals are cooked and provided by a TVUUC Member, all you have to do is show up and eat! This is a great community gathering opportunity before evening programs or choir practice. Volunteers are always needed to help with set up, accepting money, dishwashing and clean up. Cost is $4 per child, $6 per adult, $5 for students, and $15 maximum per family. First and third Wednesday evenings (except summer), 5:30 pm.
Wednesday Evening Potlucks
Bring a dish to share in the Fellowship Hall before evening programs or choir practice at the church. Volunteers always needed for set up, dish washing and clean up. Second, Fourth & Fifth Wednesdays, 6:00 pm.
The Alliance began as a service organization to support the physical needs of the church, and its annual book sale continues to raise funds for specific church needs. The group has evolved into a social and educational group that meets monthly for a forum-like presentation and potluck meal. Details announced in the newsletter and social media. All are welcome! The TVUUC Alliance meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:30 AM
Women’s Table
All women of the church are invited to an evening together for dinner out and a movie. The location rotates between Downtown and West Knoxville. Meets on second Tuesdays of the month at 5:30, watch for details in the newsletter and social media.
All-Church Fall Retreat
Our church community takes the second weekend in October to gather together at the scenic Pickett State Park near Jamestown, TN, where we share meals, games, a talent show, hikes, rest, relaxation, and play. Camping as well as cabins are available, with a centralized dining and recreation hall. Everyone is welcome to attend (see registration table for the weeks leading up to retreat). Volunteers are always needed to plan meals, purchase groceries, and lead group activities.
All-Church Spring Retreat
Similarly to the Fall Retreat, we gather together at The Mountain, a Unitarian Universalist Retreat and Learning Center near Highlands, NC. Church members, families and friends stay in fully accessible lodge or cabins, share delicious meals prepared by Mountain staff. (fees based on cost of fully furnished cabins, staffing and meals). Retreat atmosphere allows for solitude, engaging with others on a hike, or relaxing on the deck of the lodge with your own craft project. Volunteers may offer specific programs. Get acquainted with UUs and friends from other churches for meals and other activities.
Coffee Service
Every Sunday – Love is the spirit of this church and coffee is its fuel. Two volunteers go to the kitchen one hour before the first service to prepare beverages for the congregation. They make coffee, hot water for tea and cocoa, and lemonade for the children, and ensure cream, sugar, etc. is put on the serving table. After the social hour ends about 1:00 the volunteers wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. Volunteers serve one Sunday each month, and everyone appreciates their efforts.