Climate Justice Revival: Weaving Together the Threads of Social Justice and Climate Change-In-Person and Virtual Worship

These are times of growing, inextricably linked climate crises and social injustices, uncertainty, anxiety, and change. This Sunday, we celebrate and reimagine connections among our abiding commitments to love, justice, and interdependence within the great web of life. On this day, TVUUC joins over 350 other congregations in the first ever UUA Climate Justice Revival – a […]

The Gospel According to Dolly-In-Person and Virtual Worship

Dolly Parton has always had a gift for a turn of phrase. “It’s a good thing I was born a girl,” she once said, “Otherwise, I’d be a drag queen.” Since she is so widely admired with few detractors, many were surprised when The Federalist published an article called “There Is Nothing Loving About Dolly […]

No Trespassing-In Person and Virtual Worship

In the Lord’s Prayer we find the words, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Does that mean that all those signs that say, “No Trespassing” are holding up an impossible ideal? Scripture seems to suggest that we are all trespassers. This Sunday in anticipation of the High Holidays of […]