Every other month the TVUUC Art Committee assembles a wonderful exhibition for our church gallery, which often brings visitors to our church. Members of the committee include artists and patrons and are committed to the role of the arts in supporting the mission of TVUUC. This morning we will hear members of the group reflect on the role creativity and art play in their spiritual lives. Participants in the service will include committee co-chairs Ken Moffett and Kate McCullough, Athansios Bayiates, Diane Fox, Beauvais Lyons, Jenny Sneed, Bobbie Crews Thurston, and Clay Thurston.
(You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page https://tinyurl.com/yfx9pnx6, or our website https://tvuuc.org/ and also on our YouTube channel https://tinyurl.com/ycksxc98.)
Per the CDC, Knox County’s risk level has returned to LOW. No COVID-related restrictions are in place, though masks and vaccination are encouraged. The Lizzie Crozier-French room is designated for remote viewing with masks required for all over the age of two. Room A will also be available for families with children, with masks required for all over the age of two. You may also watch our services online. The full Covid policy can be viewed online here.