June 27th, 2021 at 12:30 p.m.

TVUUC Members and Friends,

We will discuss and review several important congregational matters. Your input and participation are priceless, and we encourage everyone to attend. Because of the unique circumstances of voting this year due to the Pandemic, nominations from the floor and amendments, and write ins are not allowed.
All Friends and Members are welcome to attend, however, you must be a Member of the church, be registered, and be checked in before the meeting to vote.

Please register for the meeting by going to: RSVP for the Zoom Congregational Meeting by Friday, June 25th . We need at least 50 people to attend for a quorum.

Your Zoom link will be emailed 2 days before the meeting.

An Important Letter from the TVUUC Board

Agenda for the Meeting (subject to change)

  • Call to Order – Matthew Blondell​
  • Confirm Covenant ​
  • Vote to Meet and Vote Virtually​
  • Recognition of Volunteers and Outgoing Board Members ​
  • Report of the Nominating Committee – Laurie Knox​
  • Proposed Budget for 2021- 2022 – Viren Lalka​
  • Approval of the minutes for the June 14, 2020 Meeting – ​
  • Report of Endowment Committee – David Massey​
  • Welcoming Congregation Report – Mark Mohundro​
  • Strategic Planning Committee / Technology Task Force – A.B. Coleman​
  • 8th Principle Statement – Mark Mohundro​
  • Bylaw Revision Discussion – Linda Randolph​
  • Election and Results – Matthew Blondell​
  • Introduction of the TVUUC Board President for 2021-22 – Matthew Blondell​
  • Adjourn – Ryan McBee​


We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.


Matthew Blondell

Congregation, President

Please open and read the following documents (linked below) before the meeting Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 12:30pm

Covenant and Motion for Virtual Meeting

Bylaws Revisions for 2021 Congregational Meeting

Nominating Committee Candidates for 2021-22

2021-22 Budget Summary

Congregational Meeting Minutes 06.14.20