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Bumper Car Crash Religion (or Worshiping the Terrible)-In-Person and Virtual Worship-Rev. Chris Buice

Alex Haley used to live by the maxim “Find the good and praise it.” However, there is a theme among the mystics of a variety of faiths that suggests we should “Worship the terrible and the good.” What does it mean to have reverence for the more horrible moments of life? We will explore this question in this Sunday’s service. 

(You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page, or our website and also on our YouTube channel

Per the CDC, Knox County’s risk level has returned to LOW. No COVID-related restrictions are in place, though masks and vaccination are encouraged. The Lizzie Crozier-French room is designated for remote viewing with masks required for all over the age of two. You may also watch our services online. The full Covid policy can be viewed online here.
