Resources for TVUUC RE Families


Learning Lab  (Engage the mind!)


Story & Spirit (Meaning through story!)

    • A Quiet Place at Home (A variation on Douglas Wood’s “A Quiet Place”, adapted for a time of sheltering in place.)
    • Our Chrysalis Time (A story for this time of sheltering a home, adapted from Joy Berry’s “Let Go and Let Goo.”)
    • Unexpected Blossoming (A Story for All Ages about what we can learn from flowers that blossom without (or sometimes despite) our notice, originally offered as part of TVUUC’s Flower Communion Service)


Helping Hands (Being of service!)

  • TVUUC Helping Hands Project Prompts


Reflection Room (Spiritual practice!)


Nature & Garden (Get outside!)


Fun & Games (Playtime!)


Art/Crafts (Let’s get creative!)


Virtual Field Trips (Explore the world!)



Unitarian Universalism Resources (Grow in faith!)

  • We Are Unitarian Universalists (a 3-minute animated video about UUism)
  • Unitarian Universalist Covenant: What Do We Promise One Another? (3-minute animated video – “Covenant has a long history in Jewish and Christian religious traditions. In Unitarian Universalism, we strive to be to be inclusive and transformative in our covenanting. As we grow our personal understanding, strengthen and deepen our community, and practice spiritual justice-making in our covenantal faith, we must ask, “What do we promise one another?”)
  • YouTube Playlist of UU Hymns (compiled by UU DRE Helen Rose)
  • More UU Music & Songs! (Songs performed and/or written by Unitarian Unversalists and that express our passion and concerns for the world, our diversity, and our caring community.)



Youth Resources



Parenting Resources