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One God, at the Most–In Person and Virtual Worship- Rev. Chris Buice

It has been said that Unitarian Universalists believe in one God, at the most. With a tip of the hat to Karen Armstrong’s book A History of God we will reflect on the history of God in Unitarian Universalism from early Christian rejection of the Nicene Creed to the abstract metaphysics of Transcendentalism to the Humanist Manifesto and beyond. These reflections will be an opportunity to consider what the word “God” means for you and to ponder whether or not the word is helpful or causes more harm than good. As noted elsewhere in the newsletter, this is an ” Invite a Friend Sunday”, so bring a friend with you on Sunday or invite a friend to watch online with you.

(You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page, or our website and on our YouTube channel

Per the CDC we are now at the Medium risk level in Knox County. Masking continues to be required in the building for ages 2+. During Sunday services, masking is voluntary for speakers and singers and the congregation may sing while remaining masked. The Lizzie Crozier French room will be available as a designated viewing space for those who would prefer to be in a smaller group. Room A will also be available for families with children who prefer an area where children may play during the service.  In the Fellowship Hall and kitchen people may unmask while actively eating or drinking. The full Covid policy can be viewed online here.