
There are many different ways to be involved at TVUUC, and one of the best and easiest ways to meet people and experience true connection is by finding a volunteer role that “fills your cup” or a program that “lights you up.” Whether it is a one-time thing or an ongoing opportunity, there are many ways to engage in community that will fit your lifestyle, skills and interests. Some ways to get involved are listed below, but this is just a sampling! To find out more about our programs or get involved, click here to drop us a note. You may also complete a Let’s Connect Interest Survey found HERE. Someone from the Let’s Connect team will work to connect you with the programs and events that fit your needs and availability.

Sunday Activities

Greeters:  Welcome people as they enter the church for 30 minutes before a service.

Welcome Table:  Greet visitors; help them get name tags; orient them to the building and answer questions.

Ushering:  Welcome people into the sanctuary for 20 minutes before a service; pass the collection plate; count money after the service.

Caring Table:  Write cards to those in need or celebrating a joy; sit at the table before and after service encouraging people to sign cards – a great way to meet new people!

Coffee: Make coffee before the service (people really appreciate you in this job!)

Religious Exploration:  Teach a class; organize the closet, greet at the RE Greeter Table, there are many ways to help out with our Children’s Programs! Check out the Children & Youth page for more info.

Flowers: Arrange flowers to beautify our Sanctuary, Welcome Table, and bathrooms. Perfect for someone with a creative eye!

Choir: Provide music for worship. Choir practice meets Wednesday nights at 7pm. See the Music page for details.

Building and Grounds

Help with our grounds:  Weeding, planting, cutting back vegetation – for folks who know that gardening is the best medicine!

General Handyperson:  Give some of your time to do odd jobs in and around the building.

Kitchen Care:  Give a few hours a month to help keep our kitchen clean and sanitary.

Office Assistant:  Give some of your time to help the Administrative Assistant in the office.

Social & Environmental Justice:

FISH Emergency Food Delivery:  Volunteer to distribute food on Wednesdays to those in need, or to help get food from the pantry to the church.

Lonsdale Elementary School Tutoring:  Volunteer to mentor a student.

Community Garden: Rent a bed in our garden, help with general upkeep, weeding, watering, pruning, etc. as needed.

Caring Network: Respond as you are able to various needs such as bringing a meal in times of need, visiting homebound members, providing rides to doctor appointments, giving basic technology assistance (such as email), and more.


Remember, these are just a few of the ways you can get involved. Every program and event in the church is run by volunteers and supported by our staff. Stay in touch via our Newsletter and Members and Friends Facebook group to learn about one-time and ongoing opportunities to serve each other, our church and our broader community.