Archbishop Desmond Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end aparthied in South Africa. He is world famous for his efforts to combat bias, bigotry and racism. What you may not know is that he was also a champion LGBTQIA rights who said he’d rather go to hell than a homophobic heaven. Come learn more about the deeper meaning of his anti-aparthied theology and its ramifications for the celebration of Juneteenth.
(You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page, or our website and also on our YouTube channel
Per the CDC, Knox County’s current risk level is low. At this level, masks are encouraged but not required in indoor spaces at TVUUC, and there are no other COVID-related restrictions in place. During Sunday services, the Lizzie Crozier French room will be available as a designated viewing space for those who would prefer to be only with others who are masked. Room A will also be available for families with children who prefer an area where children may play during the service, with masks required for all over the age of two. You may also watch our services online. To view our full COVID-19 policy, please visit