Rev. Duncan E. Teague, former Internship Minister, is always glad to be returning to Tennessee Valley UU Church. This time back during a summer to be filled with our joy of leaving home, for many, for the first time in a year or more. He will be celebrating our ability to move about freely, vaccinated and also come back to our diverse ways of connecting with each other. This reunion is worthy of celebration, but even more worthy is the immense work we do to make our UU communities diverse, spiritual filling stations.
Rev. Duncan Teague planted, with the help and support of friends and colleagues, the Abundant Love Unitarian Universalist (UU) Congregation (Abundant LUUv) in the West End, of Atlanta, GA, an African American community. Teague is a Baptist preacher’s son. He has been in religious and faith communities literally since birth. He will draw on these diverse experiences to discuss the power of ritual and to introduce a few concepts explored in Imani, a book in progress of which he is a co-author along with Ayanna Kafi Stringer and Anthony Stringer. Teague has served the UU movement nationally, regionally, and locally as a preacher, singer, facilitator, a member of the Ministers’ Association’s Committee on Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression, and Multiculturalism (CARAOM) and the Appointments Committee of the UUA Board. Rev. Teague resides in Decatur, GA with his husband, David Thurman, a retired public health researcher, celebrating 27 years together.
Click here to watch it streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page. You can also watch it on our YouTube channel by clicking here