In this sermon, we will be looking at movement chaplaincy and what people of faith can glean from its thinking and practices to usher in a better world. Movement chaplaincy is a new burgeoning field within chaplaincy education that looks at how we can provide spiritual care for those who are on the frontlines of our movements for social change. But what if you aren’t a chaplain? This sermon will also share what people of faith can do when rooted in love, faith and action, to both support those who are on the front lines of our movements and also what each of us can do to usher in God’s kingdom that is rooted in collective liberation, so that all of us can thrive and live in to the fullness of who God created us to be.
(You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page, or our website and also on our YouTube channel
Per the CDC, Knox County’s current risk level is now medium. At this level, masks are required in all indoor spaces at TVUUC for those ages 2+, and there will be no congregational singing during services and no food or drink served inside the building. During Sunday services, the Lizzie Crozier French room will be available as a designated viewing space for those who would prefer to be in a smaller group. Room A will also be available for families with children who prefer an area where children may play during the service. You may also watch our services online. To view our full COVID-19 policy, please visit