You are currently viewing Flower Power: America, Eco-Patriotism and Earth Day (Flower Communion)

Flower Power: America, Eco-Patriotism and Earth Day (Flower Communion)

Many of us grew up saying, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” Environmental activists have suggested we need to add
another oath, “I pledge allegiance to the Earth and all the life which it supports…” This Sunday we will explore a deeper understanding of patriotism
that may include some very unusual allies. This service will also include a virtual tour of Monet’s garden in Giverny and our annual flower communion
ritual (see below how to participate)

Bring a Flower to our Virtual Flower Communion (April 18)

Everyone is invited to bring flowers to our virtual flower communion by sending us pictures from your garden or outdoor adventures elsewhere. The
due date is Wednesday April 13. You can email or upload it to Google Drive with the below link

Click here to watch it streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page. You can also watch it on our YouTube channel by clicking here