Join TVUUC Member, Youth Programs Coordinator, sponsored seminarian, and influential force in the Knoxville Trans Community, Juniper Stinnett, for a service honoring the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall.
Juniper has been an influential force within Knoxville’s trans community since coming out 7 years ago. She is a member of Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church where she serves as Youth Program’s Coordinator, an occasional guest musician, and as of August 2018, a sponsored seminarian attending Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago where she is pursuing her Master’s of Divinity in order to live out her call to the ministry. Juniper is a former vice president of the Knoxville Trans Empowerment Project, the recipient of the 2018 Community Shares “Artist of Change” award, and a member of the TRUUsT (Trans Unitarian Universalists Together) steering committee.”