Almost Worship-In-Person and Virtual Worship
Even though Richard Dawkins is an outspoken atheist he has confessed that under certain circumstances he is filled with a sense of ‘almost worship.’ Unitarian Universalists can sometimes have mixed…
Even though Richard Dawkins is an outspoken atheist he has confessed that under certain circumstances he is filled with a sense of ‘almost worship.’ Unitarian Universalists can sometimes have mixed…
Since the age of six, Obayana Ajanaku has been studying the Djembe orchestra, a series of rope-tuned, skin-covered goblet drums played with bare hands, originally from West Africa. He continues…
Every other month the TVUUC Art Committee assembles a wonderful exhibition for our church gallery, which often brings visitors to our church. Members of the committee include artists and patrons…
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is one of the many 12 Step recovery programs available to people in need. OA is designed to help people with compulsive eating and other food behaviors…
I was in a particular mental and comfortable place within our Unitarian Universalist movement when I chose to go past a boundary for my ministry. It feels like we as…
Unitarian Universalists like to put a lot of emphasis on the use of reason in religion. Historically we have celebrated our penchant for logic and rationality. However, an overemphasis on…
The mystics of all faiths tell us, “Love is indivisible, one love, one life, one heart, one hope, one people, one planet. To love anyone is to align with universal…
After the attack on the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, the members of the congregation rallied around two core concepts of their faith: nirbhau (without fear) and nirvair (without…
In the dance of humanity, knowing the right steps (and avoiding stepping on toes) is key to keeping the organism moving. In today’s polarized world, making sure we’re right about…
A Wake for Roe? Today would've been the 50th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Different Voices reflect and call us to action on this day of mourning, and ask us…