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Turning Cyberspace into Sacred Space-This is a Virtual Service and Online Only

Sunday our church building will be closed but we will still be having our service online! The theme of the service will be “Turning Cyberspace into Sacred Space” and we will be exploring creative ways to be in community together in the age of the Coronavirus. Our service will be broadcast live on our congregation’s Facebook page and then distributed in other formats so that it can be available to the widest possible number of people.

Chaz Barber will be on the piano, Catherine Farmer Loya will be sharing a story, Rev. Jametta Alston will be offering prayer and meditation and Rev. Chris Buice will be sharing a homily.

You are invited to light your own chalice (or candle) at home as we light our chalice here, sing along with familiar hymns, make comments or share joys and concerns on the feed and otherwise participate in our service. We look forward to reinventing worship with you as we make unexpected changes and cooperate together to bring health and healing to our world

This is a link to our Facebook page where you can view the service at 11 am.  Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

This Sunday is a Generosity Sunday. Give Here