Getting Involved


pre_k_volunteer_mediumthumbOur religious exploration program is volunteer-based. We need all RE families to support the program with their energy and time by volunteering. Look for volunteer opportunities that interest you on your registration form. Many opportunities exist to fit different schedules and interests.

Every Sunday morning during the school year – Volunteers lead and provide support for all aspects of Religious Exploration programming for children and youth. Sunday morning programs and child care for nursery through high school are offered throughout the year. Well-defined volunteer jobs include:

  • Joining the core team for one of our RE spaces with three other people – leading the activities in your space 1-2 Sundays per month;
  • Serving as RE Greeter at a table in the gallery hallway to welcome new families – Sundays on a rotating schedule;
  • Serving as a Hallway Helper during Sunday RE classes – supporting teachers and caregivers as needed, helping visitors, providing snacks, etc.

Child Dedication

Periodically throughout the year, the church will hold a Child Dedication ceremony during the worship service. The ceremony is a public celebration of the inherent worth, dignity, and beauty of each child. In this special time the congregation confirms our commitment to nurturing and supporting the spiritual journey of you and your child. Child Dedication is open to any committed family seeking the love and support of our beloved community of faith. Call the minister, Rev. Chris Buice, at 523-4176 for more information.