Ad-Ministry-Virtual Worship Service 02-20-2022 11:00 amRev Jon Coffee Antidotes to Hate-Virtual Worship Service 2-13-2022 11:00 amRev Chris Buice Militant Moderation-Virtual Worship Service 02-06-2022 11:00 amRev Chris Buice Roe at 49-Where are we now and where do we go from here? Virtual Worship Service 01-30-2022 11:00 amAngelina Carpenter, Mark Mohundro, Max Carwile, Rev Jametta Alston The Spiritual BS Detector-Virtual Worship Service 01-23-2022 11:00 amRev Chris Buice Redeeming the Soul of a Nation-Rev. Chris Buice-Virtual Worship Service 01-16-2022 11:00 amRev Chris Buice Water Into Wine: Spirituality of Transformation-Virtual Worship 01-09-2022 11:00 amRev Chris Buice Morning Has Broken-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship 01-02-2022 11:00 amJuniper Meadows Howard Thurman- A Recipe for Living Life-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship Service 12-26-2021 11:00 amRev Jametta Alston Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship-Late Service 12-24-2021 8:00 pmRev Chris Buice Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship-Early Service 12-24-2021 6:00 pmRev Chris Buice Outdoor Afternoon Christmas Eve Service 12-24-2021 3:00 pmCatherine Farmer Loya Solstice Spiral Walk Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship Service 12-21-2021 5:30 pm Follow the Light-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship Service 12-19-2021 11:00 amCatherine Farmer Loya, Rev Chris Buice Blue Christmas-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship Service 12-16-2021 7:00 pmRev Jametta Alston First«10 11 12 13 14»Last
Roe at 49-Where are we now and where do we go from here? Virtual Worship Service 01-30-2022 11:00 amAngelina Carpenter, Mark Mohundro, Max Carwile, Rev Jametta Alston
Redeeming the Soul of a Nation-Rev. Chris Buice-Virtual Worship Service 01-16-2022 11:00 amRev Chris Buice
Howard Thurman- A Recipe for Living Life-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship Service 12-26-2021 11:00 amRev Jametta Alston
Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship-Late Service 12-24-2021 8:00 pmRev Chris Buice
Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship-Early Service 12-24-2021 6:00 pmRev Chris Buice
Follow the Light-Virtual and Vaccinated In-Person Worship Service 12-19-2021 11:00 amCatherine Farmer Loya, Rev Chris Buice