
We could not live into our mission without the hard work and dedication of our volunteer leadership. As a democratically governed congregation and faith tradition, we rely on lay leaders at every level, from our congregations to our National movement and organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Board Members:

President: Heather Kistner

Vice President: Lynn Hixson

Secretary: Maddie Kulpa
Treasurer: Steve Drevik

Board Members at Large:

  • Noël Arring
  • Robert Bray
  • Mebbie Jackson
  • Roy Kersey
  • Bella Thomas-Wilson

Youth Members:

  • Jack Hulse
  • Devon Miller

Ex Officio Members:

  • Rev. Chris Buice, Senior Minister,
  • Claudia Pressley, Director of Finance and Operations
  • Catherine Farmer Loya, Director of Lifespan Religious Education
  • David Asbury, Director of Music
  • Carol Villaverde, Program Council Co-Chair
  • Barbara Lamm, Program Council Co-Chair

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Board Member on duty:

(Before the Service)
(Board Member on duty script)

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Board Pantry Duty:

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Program Council

The Program Council is the group that maintains a broad overview of program activity in the church and works to connect resources and strengthen programming. It is responsible for working with existing programs as well as facilitating the development of new programs that fit with the mission of TVUUC. Have a great new idea? These are the folks to talk to.

2024-25 Officers:

Co-Chairs: Carol Villaverde and Barbara Lamm