Resources for TVUUC RE Families
Learning Lab (Engage the mind!)
- TVUUC Learning Lab Creative Challenge: The Three R’s (also good for Helping Hands!)
- TVUUC Learning Lab Creative Challenge: Inner Strength Made Visible
- A huge list of cool science and learning activities for families at home from LiveScience
- What did the Hubble telescope see on your birthday?
- The 10 Best YouTube Channels for Wacky Science Experiments
- The Washington Post’s ultimate parents’ guide to education and activity resources
Story & Spirit (Meaning through story!)
- Children’s Diversity & Justice Library – Rooted in values of equity and compassion, the CDJL is TVUUC’s own free community lending library providing books and programs that empower young people to celebrate diversity and seek justice in their lives and communities.
- For lists of recommended books, click “Book Lists” to see our monthly choices coordinated to our monthly Religious Education themes.
- To learn how to use the library, click “Borrow A Book“
- To access our searchable catalogue online (great for recommendations of books for all ages) click “Catalogue“
- TVUUC Story & Spirit Creative Challenge: Story Lab!
- TVUUC Story for All Ages videos – Youtube playlist of 88 recorded story videos from 2020-21!
- A Quiet Place at Home (A variation on Douglas Wood’s “A Quiet Place”, adapted for a time of sheltering in place.)
- Our Chrysalis Time (A story for this time of sheltering a home, adapted from Joy Berry’s “Let Go and Let Goo.”)
- Unexpected Blossoming (A Story for All Ages about what we can learn from flowers that blossom without (or sometimes despite) our notice, originally offered as part of TVUUC’s Flower Communion Service)
Helping Hands (Being of service!)
- TVUUC Helping Hands Project Prompts
- Collection of resources to help us share kindness during social distancing (also has some great Reflection Room-related resources)
Reflection Room (Spiritual practice!)
- TVUUC RE Reflection Room video – Seeking Comfort and Connection
- Dancing Spider Yoga for TVUUC kids: short routines for morning, after lunch, and bedtime routines offered by TVUUC friend Piper Hansen
- Resources for Intentional Mealtimes (from UU Dinner Church Consultants – lots of great resources for eating/prepping food together mindfully, etc.)
- Build an Indoor Labyrinth (short video by UU DRE Jenn Blosser and family)
- Create your own chalice lighting words
- Mindfulness Activities for All Ages
- Lovingkindness Meditation (shared in the RE Reflection Room meeting recently – a practice for offering loving kindness to self and to others)
- Music as spiritual practice
- UU Soul Matters curated playlists for many spiritual themes, available on two platforms:
Nature & Garden (Get outside!)
- 10 nature activities for kids if you’re self-isolating at home
- List of nature scavenger hunt options
- 7 Earth Day Activities Kids Can Do at Home
Fun & Games (Playtime!)
- The Genius of Play – a hub of resources for bringing the joy of play to families in this time
- Indoor Games for Quarantined Kids and Families
- 100 (Nonscreen) Activities to Occupy Your Kids in Quarantine from the Wall Street Journal
- A List of Indoor Activities That Will Keep Kids Entertained While Staying at Home
- Invite friends to play card games online
- PBS Kids Online Games, including online coloring
Art/Crafts (Let’s get creative!)
- TVUUC Creative Challenge: Chalices in the Wild
- TVUUC Creative Challenge: Beautiful Junk
- The Knoxville Fine Arts & Crafts Center is offering free pickup/curbside craft kits & other classes by reservation
- A huge collection of Arts & Culture resources & activities from Google
- Pinterest board full of easy, at-home craft ideas, compiled by UU DRE Helen Rose
- Printable UU Coloring Pages & Doodles
- More UU Coloring Pages
Virtual Field Trips (Explore the world!)
- Virtual visit to our very own TVUUC, for those who miss being in our building!
- Live animal cams from the San Diego Zoo
- Explore the surface of Mars with the Curiosity Rover
- Virtual roller coaster rides from theme park Canada’s Wonderland
- Virtual tour of the Boston Children’s Museum
Unitarian Universalism Resources (Grow in faith!)
- We Are Unitarian Universalists (a 3-minute animated video about UUism)
- Unitarian Universalist Covenant: What Do We Promise One Another? (3-minute animated video – “Covenant has a long history in Jewish and Christian religious traditions. In Unitarian Universalism, we strive to be to be inclusive and transformative in our covenanting. As we grow our personal understanding, strengthen and deepen our community, and practice spiritual justice-making in our covenantal faith, we must ask, “What do we promise one another?”)
- YouTube Playlist of UU Hymns (compiled by UU DRE Helen Rose)
- More UU Music & Songs! (Songs performed and/or written by Unitarian Unversalists and that express our passion and concerns for the world, our diversity, and our caring community.)
Youth Resources
- High School-Age Youth hub of resources at the Unitarian Universalist Association site
- Blue Boat Blog (Blog with LOTS of resources & reflections for youth and young adults from the UUA)
- Queer Resources for Youth (resources about sexual/affectional orientation and gender identity for youth, their families and allies; youth with parent(s) who identify as such; and those who work with them)
- Race and Identity video resources (a UU crowdsourced compendium of short videos for youth to explore race and identity)
- Racial and Social Justice podcasts for Teens
- Ted-x Talks for Youth
- Board Game Arena (Play games online with friends)