What Are We Learning Now?
A wise person once said, "Life is what happens when you are making other plans." All of our religious education classes have been disrupted by the pandemic but the learning…
A wise person once said, "Life is what happens when you are making other plans." All of our religious education classes have been disrupted by the pandemic but the learning…
Our nation was founded in a revolution. How would we be different if we had emerged from a slower process of evolution? This Mother's Day we will look at what…
The crescent and the star are a symbol of Islam. The image is of a crescent moon and a morning star (or a rising sun.) During the season of Ramadan…
Abundant Love Flower Communion- Rev. Duncan Teague and Rev. Chris Buice- We will be celebrating Earth Day online with the Abundant LUUV congregation in Atlanta whose mission is to launch…
When Buildings Close Down, the Church Rises Again - On Easter Sunday during a global pandemic most churches will be as silent as empty tombs. So do not look for…
Quarantine Quakerism for Uneasy Unitarian Universalists - This Sunday we will explore how to lead a quieter more contemplative life of greater solitude largely because we have no other choice…
Let’s use the world wide web to create a worldwide community where people of all faiths can find common ground and work together for the common good.
Sunday our church building will be closed but we will still be having our service online! We will be exploring creative ways to be in community together in the age of the Coronavirus.
Unlike the rock band the Rolling Stones many Unitarian Universalists do not have much sympathy for the Devil.
This Sunday we will reflect on how an extremely imperfect person can do one thing that illuminates everything.