Holding Hope-In-Person and Virtual Worship
Holding Hope We stand on the precipice of a new year that will be fraught with unwelcome changes and to be honest, a lot of scary possibilities. Our friends, families,…
Holding Hope We stand on the precipice of a new year that will be fraught with unwelcome changes and to be honest, a lot of scary possibilities. Our friends, families,…
Reflections on the intersection of spirituality and activism. (You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page https://tinyurl.com/yfx9pnx6, or our website https://tvuuc.org/ and also on our YouTube channel https://tinyurl.com/ycksxc98.)…
“Liminal is from the Latin word ‘limen’, which means threshold. A liminal space is the time between ‘what was’ and ‘what's next’. It is a place of transition: a time…
(You can watch our worship service streamed at 11 am on our Facebook page, or our website and also on our YouTube channel.) Reproductive Rights continue to be endangered in 2022, but we are not…
Please join us for a joint service between Westside Unitarian Universalist and Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist on New Year’s Eve for a Vespers and Vigil to close out the year.…
The days are growing shorter and the nights longer. ‘Tis the season of Halloween, Samhain and things that go bump in the night. During the ancient festival of Samhain, ancestor…
Losing My Religion - “ Losing My Religion” was one of the band REM’s most popular songs. The title is taken from a Southern expression meaning "At my wit's end"…
Historically Unitarians and Universalists were rooted in Christian tradition and prayer was an integral part of church life. Our denomination is a living tradition and within our churches there are…
What are reproductive rights? What is reproductive justice? Are they the same thing, and how do they play into our Unitarian Universalist principles? Why is there a flurry of laws…