Almost Worship-In-Person and Virtual Worship
Even though Richard Dawkins is an outspoken atheist he has confessed that under certain circumstances he is filled with a sense of ‘almost worship.’ Unitarian Universalists can sometimes have mixed…
Even though Richard Dawkins is an outspoken atheist he has confessed that under certain circumstances he is filled with a sense of ‘almost worship.’ Unitarian Universalists can sometimes have mixed…
Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is one of the many 12 Step recovery programs available to people in need. OA is designed to help people with compulsive eating and other food behaviors…
Unitarian Universalists like to put a lot of emphasis on the use of reason in religion. Historically we have celebrated our penchant for logic and rationality. However, an overemphasis on…
The mystics of all faiths tell us, “Love is indivisible, one love, one life, one heart, one hope, one people, one planet. To love anyone is to align with universal…
After the attack on the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, the members of the congregation rallied around two core concepts of their faith: nirbhau (without fear) and nirvair (without…
Dr. King was a Christian minister of the gospel who served at Ebenezer Baptist Church but he also cultivated friendships with leaders of many different faiths. One such friendship was…
“I did not fully understand what it meant to be an American until I lived in another country for a year. Similarly, I did not really understand what it meant…
This Christmas Eve we will celebrate a traditional Lessons and Carols service (with some non-traditional and distinctly Unitarian Universalist elements.) There will be a Story for All Ages, readings from…
Kibitzing Around the Christmas Tree-In Person and Virtual Worship -Rev. Chris Buice and Catherine Farmer Loya This year the celebration of Chanukah overlaps with the celebration of Christmas. This Sunday…
19th Century Unitarians were not great fans of what they saw as the emotional excesses of the Great Awakening. They preferred to focus on logic, reason and rationality. This Sunday…